Conference and Festival in review

It’s been a little over a month since our inaugural Hemp Beverage Conference & Festival. Looking back, it’s amazing what we achieved as an organization and as an industry.

More than 250 people attended the June 7 conference, some coming from as far away as Arizona and California. And while the agenda was packed with great information from industry leaders, the key takeaway was the positivity, collaboration, support and camaraderie on display throughout the whole event.

The festival took place on June 8 at Minneapolis Cider Co, home of Trail Magic. More than 500 people showed up to celebrate the category with food, music, and more than 30 hemp beverage brands from across the state and the country. The feedback from guests was wonderful with the top comments being about both quality and quantity of brands, the feeling of safety at the event, and the excitement that such an event existed.

Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, played the banjo, served the beignets, and otherwise helped create such a successful event. And of course, special thank you to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey for proclaiming June 8 “Hemp Beverage Day” in the city.

Group photo in Minneapolis

HBA member spotlighted in Spectrum News - North Carolina


Minneapolis Mayor proclaims June 8 “Hemp Beverage Day”