Hemp Beverage Alliance comments on proposed emergency regulations in California.

The Hemp Beverage Alliance is the trade association representing more than 175 beverage brands and supply chain partners in the United States and Canada.

The Alliance submitted comments to the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) and the Department of Public Health (CDPH) urging OAL to deny CDPH’s proposed emergency regulations on hemp products.

Click here to read the Hemp Beverage Alliance’s comments.

Since its founding in 2023, the Hemp Beverage Alliance and its members have advocated and instituted best practices that have resulted in a safe, thriving industry across the country. These principles include:

Age restriction - Hemp beverages are adult beverages and are labeled and sold accordingly. Hemp beverages are overwhelmingly sold in locations where adult beverages are sold, which means they are age-gated to prevent children from accessing them. Many packages include a 21+ logo or equivalent information to alert consumers that these are adult beverages. Suppliers, wholesalers and retailers all are committed to age-gating these products.

Safety - The safety of the consumer is paramount and is the driving force in the industry. Hemp beverages are made in certified facilities and adhere to best practices in manufacturing.

Testing - Products are thoroughly tested throughout the production process to ensure the absence of contaminants as well as accurate cannabinoid levels.

Labeling - Hemp beverage labels empower the consumer to make smart choices. Labels include appropriate warnings, cannabinoid milligram counts, listings of total ingredients, a QR code that refers consumers to testing data, and information to easily contact the company.

Serving size - Hemp beverages incorporate cannabinoid levels that are safe, effective, and provide value to the consumer.

Hemp beverages are non-alcoholic seltzers, teas, sodas and mocktails infused with hemp-derived cannabinoids that are increasing in popularity among responsible adults.The Hemp Beverage Alliance advocates several best practices to steer this new industry, including ensuring products are kept away from children; clear labeling that empowers the consumer; reasonable taxation; and sensible milligram levels in products.

The mission of the Hemp Beverage Alliance is to create a safe and thriving industry through education, advocacy, best practices and partnership. We achieve this mission by providing consumers, retailers, and distributors with the information they need to better understand the industry; developing best practices to create consistency in labeling and manufacturing; working with elected officials and regulators to encourage common-sense regulation; and collaborating with marijuana and alcohol industries to create a marketplace that benefits everyone. More at hempbeveragealliance.org.


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